Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Black Boy

Born unto your mother she dreams
of all the things she wishes you to be
the aspirations she never did see
That God blesses you abundantly

Born unto your father he knows
of all the hurts and all the sorrows
the trials you'll face
Disrespect and Disgrace
Because you hold blackness in a white space

Little Black Boy, Little Black Boy
Oh where did you go
Are you hiding from me
From the place we all know
Did you spiral from me
To a place called "out of control"
Are you hurting inside
Do you shelter your soul
Break free little black boy
Break Free
Show your face to me - show it to me
So that I can feel what you feel
So we can begin to heal
To put this pain behind you
So that we can begin to find you
Your eyes will surely remind you
Of the little black boy you once were
When innocence was pure
When life was uncruel
When you said you'd be a policeman
Before the world made you a mule
Before your father left you abandoned
And your mother has to over - compensate
For a man who left her stranded
And her heart is filled with hate
Because how could you leave your own
The one who you helped create
She wanted to have time to come to your games
to go to PTA meetings
to stay on top of your grades
to cook for your everynight
to keep you out of preditors' sight
to show you a better life
But life happened
And SHE had to make things happen
She had to work all night
So that you could have lights
She had to leave you alone
So you could have a place to call home
She had to work nights and days
She was too tired to worry about grades
So you fell by the waist side
Allowing the streets to be your guide
Coming and going as you please
While your mother's bleeding knees
are sore because she continues to believe
that a break through will come

And that once faded dream
has been tainted by the screams
of a policeman with a barrel pointed
hands behind your back - fall to your knees
"submit to me"
You ain't shit
You ain't gonna be shit
You just like ur daddy
Good for nuthing NIGGER

Don't embrace it Little Black Boy
Don't embrace it
Remember...Remember who you are
Remember who you WERE
Those twinkling eyes
With dreams and aspirations
before life's ugly hand
dealt you a hand of degradations

Little Black Boy - Little Black Boy
I know it's tough
But your little black girl will stand by you
when you've felt you had enough
When no one cares and no one listens
God listens and he cares
He'll cradle you upon his shoulders
And relieve all of your despare
He'll lift you up in ways
you've never been lifted before
He'll open every door thats been closed
and open even more
He'll tell you he loves you
no matter what you do
Because he gave his son to suffer
So that you wouldn't have to
He'll love you with all of your flaws
He'll love you until you die
He'll love to make you a better you
And guess what Little Black Boy - So will I

Little Black Boy - Little Black Boy
Please come back home
To create that foundation
that has been long gone
We need you Little Black Boy
So that our community can once again be
Full of beautiful little black boys
And little black girls like me.

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