Monday, August 9, 2010

Mother to her Son

As I'm sitting here reflecting on the fact that my son's birthday is less than a week away, I of course go back to this entire journey with him. It has been a short one, but it feels like I've known him my entire life. He has brought so much joy to me and has definitely softened my heart.

I think back to when I was trying to convince my husband that we were ready for a child. He tried to give every reason why we should wait another year, but I was ready. I finally convinced him and we began trying. Month after month we would try and nothing would happen. Then I received great advice from my mom...I followed through and the rest is history.

I think back to that day when I found out I was pregnant. It was actually a bittersweet moment - it was also the day my grandmother died and my unborn child would never get a chance to meet her (on Earth). I couldn't be sad in that moment because I felt like God took her away and filled me with a gift.

My pregnany was a pleasant one. I never had morning sickness, I didn't have my normal vertigo, I gained 23 pounds and I was cute as a button. All Belly is what the Doctor said..."You know you can be one of those pregnant models". "You do pregnant well" the doctor would say. You were an active fellow - even in my belly. After I got off from work you would always go to's like you knew I was off and it was playtime.

The day you were born, I was on my way to work and you kicked me extremely hard and splash, my water broke like in the movies. I arrived at Northside around 9, got in my room around 10, had an epidural around 12 and u were born at 3:43 pm. It was the best workday of my life. You were soooo tiny and still are...Five pounds, 4 ounces nineteen and a half inches long. I nursed you soon after and I've been in love ever since.

It's something about the love a mother has for her son, I can't quite describe it. It's something that we have that no one can take away. As fathers are the protectors of their daughters - mothers are the protectors of their sons.

Now your second birthday is quickly approaching and I've watched you go through so many milestones and changes. It was nearly two years ago that you swelled my belly and God graced you on this Earth. It was nearly two years ago I swaddled you and watched you sleep. It was nearly two years ago I dropped you off at daycare for the first time and cried all day long. It was a year ago you said Momma and Daddy and took your first step. It was a year ago you received your first hair cut. It was a couple of months ago you began singing in the car and telling me "No" and "Move". It was about a month ago you gave up the pacifier. In between all this, I've felt joy, pain, hurt, sadness, love, rejection, appreciation, fright, gratitude, solitude, fulfillment, ungratefulness, grace, mercy, defeat, enlightenment, proudness and a host of other emotions.

But above all, I feel blessed and honored to have given birth to such an amazing son. Isaiah I love you with everything inside of me and you have forever changed me as a woman, a person, a wife and a mother. I pray that God continues to bless you and be the guiding force in your life.

Love always...mommy

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